メーカー/原産地 | 国内 | 商品の状態 | 新品 |
発送国 | 国内 (日本) | ||
材料/素材 | SHOWERMAXX ELITE SERIES - THE HIGH-END CHOICE FOR AN EXQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Being the maximum upgrade for any home or hotel room, the ShowerMaxx Elite Series Showerheads are here to surpass even your highest expectations. Expect nothing less than unmatched luxury, top craftsmanship and unparallel functionality that will cater even to your most demanding needs.LARGE 6 INCH FACEPLATE FOR RAINFALL EXPERIENCE - This ShowerMaxx shower head offers six adjustable spray settings depending on your mood. One setting is rainfall for a revitalizing spray, a Light Mist for easy rinsing (this is great for babies), Power Spray to release muscle tension, High Pressure + Shampoo Spray which provides extra rinsing power, High Pressure + Power Spray, and lastly, an eco-friendly water saver trickle intended for lathering and shaving.HEAT RESISTANT SOLID ABS CONSTRUCTION HANDHELD SHOWER HEAD WITH LONG STAINLESS STEEL HOSE 60 inch ? ShowerMaxx all-inclusive showerhead kit includes everything our customers need for hassle-free installation. Each ShowerMaxx Hand Held Shower Head kit comes with Heat Resistant Solid ABS Handheld Unit, Solid ABS Mount, Long Stainless Steel Hose, Pre-Installed Flow Restrictor and fitted Mesh Sand Filter Disk! Complete with step-by-step installation guide ? and free Teflon plumbing tape.PRE-INSTALLED FLOW RESTRICTOR WITH PRECISION ENGINEERED NOZZLES - Our ShowerMaxx showerhead is equipped with precision engineered nozzle jets that are anti-clogging and self-cleaning. It comes with a Mesh Filter/Sand Disk to keep water flow clean and free from sediment. The head is heat resistant solid full body ABS construction which comes with solid ABS Mount with Brass Ball joint allowing you the freedom to tilt your shower head in the desired direction.PEACE OF MIND LIFETIME ? ShowerMaxx manufactures high quality premium shower heads. Each showerhead comes with a Peace-of-Mind Lifetime . Our friendly support team are on hand to take care of you if you have any question or for whatever reason you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, please message us via .***NOT FOR SALE TO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS*** This shower does not comply with California energy regulations.説明: Discover The Best Bath Showerhead Money Can Buy!Are you the type of person who always seeks the very best, especially when it comes to your home?Well, the Elite Series is here to provide just that.In fact, the ShowerMaxx Elite Series Showerhead is the maximum upgrade you can make to your home or hotel spa.Designed with meticulous attention to detail and featuring unmatched luxury and top craftsmanship, it is undoubtedly the showerhead of your dreams.Presenting The Ultimate Showerhead Set By ShowerMaxx Elite SeriesGoing Above & Beyond To Meet Your Needs & Wishes!Everything, from the functionality and durable design, all the way to the astonishing luxury and elite function, has been specifically designed to surpass your highest expectations.Plus, it comes with the following features:1. High Quality, Heat Resistant, Extremely Durable Rust Resistant ABS Plastic Handheld Shower Head in Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish 2. Precision Engineered High Pressure Silicone Nozzles that are Anti-Cloggiing and Self-Cleaning3. Easy-to-Remove Flow Restrictor for Increased Water Flow4. Universal Shower Mount with 1/2 Inch Male/Female Outlet/Inlet with Custom Cone Washer to Provide Tight Grip so Shower Head DOES NOT Fall, Droop or Sway!5. 60 Inch Stainless Steel Hose6. Mesh Sand Filter Disk to Filter out Sediments7. Step-by-Step Installation Gguide for Easy and Quick In-Home Installation8. FREE Teflon Plumbing Tape for your Complete Convenience!Indulge Yourself.Just Scroll Up, Click ‘Add To Cart’ And Turn Your Home Into The Highest End Resort!本商品は海外拠点に在庫がございます並行輸入品です。その為お届けまで通常2~3週間程度お時間をいただいておりますが、商品により3週間〜1か月いただく場合がございます。稀に輸送時、通関検品の際に外箱に傷、凹みなどある場合がございますが新品ですのでご安心ください。■税関手続き、関税支払い等すべて当方で対応させていただいております。ご安心くださいませ。■注意:ご購入後のキャンセルは国際送料、国内送料、返品手数料など多額のお客様負担になりますので、ご注意くださいませ。並行輸入品ですので保証はございません。カテゴリー: シャワーヘッドメーカー: ShowerMaxxブランド: ShowerMaxx高さ: 28.2 センチ幅: 16.0 センチ奥行: 11.1 センチ重量: 0.8 Kg | ||
決済方法 | VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, JCB card, PayPal, LINE Pay, PayPay, コンビニ決済, Suica決済, あと払い(ペイディ), 銀行振り込み, ネットバンキング, Qサイフ | ||
A/S情報 | A/Sセンターおよびメーカーまたは販売者にご連絡ください。 | ||
返品/交換 | 商品ページ上の詳細やお知らせ・ご注意を参考してください。 |

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